Part 1
[Note: You can find RedChocobo's first Let's Play Pokemon thread, Emerald, in the Let's Play Archive here]At the end of my Let's Play Pokémon Emerald thread, you fuckers demanded I do another thread. Well fine. <

If you plan on coming in here and whining, vote 1 and move on. Just because you dislike Let's Play threads doesn't mean everyone else does.
Pokémon Crystal, the Pokémon Emerald of the Metal generation. Waaaaay back on the Game Boy color, We're goin 8-bit up in this shit.
Need a refresher on Pokeymans? We've got a Pokémon megathread in the games forum somewhere I'm not even going to link. It seems to die and reincarnate every few days. You people sicken me.
So anyway. Pokeyman Crystal. Yeah. Thiiiink back to that old nintendo system.

Aaaand she/he'll name. And no, I will not name him/her Misty.
Also go ahead and fight over the starter:
Chikorita #152
Height: 2'11" Weight:14.1 lbs.
Habitat: Grasslands Type: Grass
In battle, Chikorita waves its leaf around to keep the foe at bay. However, a sweet fragrance also wafts from the leaf, becalming the battling Pokémon and creating a cozy, friendly atmosphere all around. Its pleasantly aromatic leaves have the ability to check the humidity and temperature. It loves to bask in the sunlight.
Evolves into a very gay dinosaur.
Cyndaquil #155
Height: 1'08" Weight:17.4 lbs.
Habitat: Grasslands Type: Fire
Cyndaquil protects itself by flaring up the flames on its back. The flames are vigorous if the Pokémon is angry. However, if it is tired, the flames splutter fitfully with incomplete combustion. Timid, it usually stays hunched over. It it becomes surprised, it always curls itself up in a ball and emits flames.
Evolves into a flaming badger.
Totodile #158
Height: 2'00" Weight:20.9 lbs.
Habitat: Freshwater Type: Water
Despite the smallness of its body, Totodile's jaws are very powerful. While the Pokémon may think it is just playfully nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury. It won't hesitate to take a bite out of anything that moves; even its trainer must be careful.
Evolves into a giant fucking Crocodile with a horrible name.
The choices are yoooooooooooooours....